5 Financial Tips To Get You Through The New Year
The new year is a great time to get your finances in order. This may not be your idea of fun, but a few changes here and there will clear your mind and allow you to feel better about the coming months. Along with your average, run-of-the-mill New Year's resolutions, it's good to have at least one that targets the financial side of your life. If you don't know where to start, here are five ideas to consider:
1. Create a Budget
If you don't have a budget, now is the time to create one. Even if you have a budget, the new year presents an excellent opportunity to review the details and make changes for the better.
A budget can help you understand how much you earn, how much you spend, how much you save, and much more.
2. Save. More. Money.
Let's face it: most people share the goal of saving more money. However, some people never take the first step in making this dream come true.
The new year is here, and you are again presented with a fresh slate. Will you implement a plan that allows you to save more money? A few fundamental changes could alter your mindset even if you don't have what it takes to keep.
Here is an idea: don't spend a few dollars daily on coffee and snacks. Instead, save this money in a safe place and watch it grow. At the end of the year, you'll be happy with the hundreds of dollars you have saved.
3. Review Your Insurance Documents
When was the last time you reviewed your car insurance policy? How about your home insurance coverage? If you don't remember the finer details of your policy, don't hesitate to conduct a thorough review.
Taking this one step further, watch for any changes that make sense. Should you lower your deductible? Should you combine your home and car for more of a discount? Should you increase or decrease your coverage?
Tip: if you find it difficult to make crucial decisions, turn to an insurance broker for assistance.
4. Get Life Insurance
Okay, you have put this off long enough. For the same price as a few cups of coffee every month, life insurance can give you and your loved ones peace of mind and protection if you become injured or ill and cannot work.
Need more information or help finding the right coverage? PetleyHare is here to help.
5. Make a Plan and Stick with It
This is the most challenging and most crucial part of any resolution. Whatever goal you have, you should formalize your plan in writing. Give yourself frequent reminders throughout the year and review your progress.
What will you do?
Which of these financial New Year's resolutions will you set for yourself? Are you considering another?