Protect Your Home and Property Against Water-Related Damage
The recent media coverage of Hurricane Matthew offered viewers and readers a poignant reminder of the devastatingly raw power of wind and water. The extensive flooding and resultant property damage along the eastern coast of the United States were indicative of homeowner vulnerability to the sheer forces of nature; families were left without fresh food, utilities, possessions, and even their homes; unfortunately, many people also lost their lives in the aftermath of the storm.
While hurricane forces might be a lesser concern for Canadians, there are several signs that weather patterns are changing across the country. Environment Canada statistics are reporting that the nation’s climate has become warmer and wetter than a generation ago, and that significant weather events in Canada are increasing in both their frequency and severity.
These trends should prompt Canadian homeowners to consider the addition of overland water protection to their home insurance policy. To learn more about the threat of water damage to your home and property and the benefits of overland water protection, go to CRCS DKI.